Saving time is one of the biggest priorities for business owners, and here at Blue Back, we do that like no other! We intend for you to never worry about your back office again! With excellent inventory control and an online inventory system connected to your financial administration and customer database, you cut down your process time, reduce stock levels and get complete traceability on all operations. Why could this be interesting for your company?
1. Never out of stock: setup automated purchase orders when a product reaches a threshold, taking into account sales volumes and lead time to receipt. This is possible with the Odoo feature “reordering rules” on products. Your stock will be replenished automatically to your maximum quantity when it reaches a minimum level. For your reordering rules to work, your product needs to be configured correctly - depending on whether you need a vendor or a manufacturer to refill your product. Blue Back will be your partner to make sure everything is configured correctly, runs smoothly and no mistakes are made.
2. Workflow inventory: When multiple users are working in their respective scopes, it is important that no user invades the other users scope of work or authority. Additionally, Odoo provides a secure online space where only a manager can validate a document. These workflows are very useful when you want to assign approving authority to a specific person for a specific panel or job. Blue Back will completely set up your workflow so that goods flow easily through your organization, from supplier to warehouse, to your stores and to the customer. Fully traceable, securing full accountability of your people.
3. Accounting, Sales and Inventory Control in one: as a business owner you see all information real-time, showing your bestsellers and average shelf time, so you can minimize stock levels, without the risk of not selling. Having the data of these departments configured, allows you to run your operations as worry-free as possible. Automating your business operations means you have more time for customer relations and sales:
- From quotations to sales orders: convert quotes to sales orders with a single click or have the customer confirm with an electronic signature.
- Contract Management: bill customers based on time and materials, easily capture contracts and track billing phases, maintain renewal and up-sell opportunities, and manage your subscriptions with Odoo's recurring contracts.
- Let your customers help themselves: customers can access their quotes, sales orders and delivery notes online. Save time and get your confidentiality agreements, contracts or other PDF documents signed back in no time with Odoo Signing.
4. Never throw away perishable goods: track expiration dates so you know when to discount them or give them away. And no reputation damage (or worse) caused by expired perishables. By tracking every stock movement with Odoos unique inventory management with double-entry control, you know every move from purchase and warehouse to sales order. Track large quantities of serial numbers in your supply chain; wherever they are.
Grow with us!
Blueback helps you digitize your inventory control and warehouse management, so you can focus on your passion! Interested in knowing more? Get in touch!
How can Blue Back help you save time and optimize your store operation?