The Digital Quicksan for Retail

December 3, 2020 by

If you take a hard look at your business you may find that some of the processes and tools you use may have been the right ones when you started, but are not working anymore. Or you are simply considering new digital tools to make your work and life easier, so it becomes more efficient and you safe money!


Blueback specializes in analyzing your business processes and can help you pinpoint where you can improve your business processes by using digital innovations. For this we use our QuickScan, tailored to your industry, with which we quickly identify pressure points and easy fixes to reduce cost and improve efficiency. This Quickscan is especially developed for retail. When you are answering all questions below, you have a good starting point for taking the next step in automation and digitalizing your business.


Together we will review all elements of your business and identify opportunities for your business. We are happy to assist you with this quickscan en advise you on how to optimize your business. Just contact us at +5999) 465-0225 or send us an email on:


·       Knowing what to buy and what not: Do you know which products are your bestsellers; which have the highest margin; which you should always have in stock, even if they don’t sell much? And which ones are just taking up valuable shelf space in your store or collecting dust in your warehouse?

·       Knowing the actual cost of your products: Do you use landed cost to include freight and import duties in your product cost price? Is this a manual (spreadsheet) process or fully automated?

·       Knowing which vendor to choose when: Who has the best price, delivers the quickest or is the most reliable?


 Stock control

·       Knowing what you have in stock: Do you always know what you have in stock? And if you don’t have it, when you will receive it? How do you know when to order to avoid embarrassing out-of-stock situations? Is taking inventory a yearly 2-day hassle or is it something you do regularly? Do you have big differences when you take inventory or just minor corrections? Do you know the total value of your stock at any given time? What is the current value of your stock?

·       Labeling your stock: Would RFID (radio-frequency labels) be worthwhile for your business?


Sales registration

·       Knowing what products sell and how: How are sales reported from your current system? How easy is it to drill down in your sales reports, to know what sells, and when your sales are made? Do you know who are the best performing sellers in your team? And how do you register this? Do you reward sales performance?


 Sales channels check

·       Reaching your customers is key: How many stores location do you have? And do you already have alternative ways of selling your products (like ordering online, by phone, email or fax)? Do you have insights in how does each sales channel contribute to the business result, both in sales and cost? How easy is it to analyze sales data?


Marketing channels check

·       Knowing your market and the marketing channels: The market should be aware of your existence and what you have to offer: What marketing channels do you use at this moment for advertising your company and your products (email; post mail; website; Facebook; radio; tv; newspapers; magazines; billboards; direct calling; pamphlets; events)? How do you manage these marketing channels? And how can you connect the results to your sales?

Customer loyalty tools

·       Customer loyalty is key: What is your return policy, and how do you handle that accounting wise? Do you offer gift cards? Do you have a loyalty program? Do you keep track of your customers? If so, what contact data do you store and how do you use these (email, phone calls, letters)? Do you offer special pricing or discounting to loyal customers? If so, how do you manage that?

 Scheduling of employees

·       Having (enough of) the right people on the job can make all the difference to your customer: How do you plan who works when? Do you keep track of the skills and competencies required for delivering top performance? How do you keep track of overtime, vacation requests, and sick leave? How do these translate to your payroll?

 Financial Accounting

·       Finance…hassle and time consuming or easy?: How easy is it for cashiers to register sales and receive payments? Do they use barcode scanning? Do payment machines connect automatically or is manual input required? How quickly can cashiers close their cash register at the end of the day? Can cash differences be booked in your point-of-sale? How do you translate your sales to your accounting system, is it an automated or manual process? How do you reconcile debit card and credit card payments, is it an automated process? How do you handle claims and reimbursements?

 Software complexity

·       How many software applications do you currently use? This includes point-of-sale; accounting; payroll; inventory control; spreadsheets; word docs and email? Which of your processes are not yet automated?

Together we will review all elements of your business and identify opportunities for your business. We are happy to assist you with this quickscan en advise you on how to optimize your business. Just contact us at +5999) 465-0225 or send us an email on:

Blueback December 3, 2020
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